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About Me

If you look at the picture you'll see it says travel should only be attempted by experienced hikers and by that it means probably someone who knows what they are doing on a glacier. I'm not and I don't but I sure like to try. (Spoiler alert I survived that one) â€‹


I'm a college graduate who is having their midlife crisis, excuse me quarter life crisis, and what better thing to do than write a blog about it. Just in case you don't know me or you do and just need a refresher here's some facts-


I have a degree in chemistry and a minor in philosophy so I make drugs and then think about the repercussions. As any good college grad does I'm using my degree to teach high school band. I love being outside, writing, reading, taking care of people, hanging out with those I care about, and music (that's where you connect the dots on me being a band teacher.)  I love seeing new places, meeting new people, and accidentally causing chaos wherever I go. Major disclaimer I'm not positive I know what a comma is...and that's after getting a grammar book as a graduation present.




If you don't own a pigeon-

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